some experiences need to be shared

Posts tagged “posting

There Is No Spoon

I’m wondering how many people may know this line without a brief clue?

The past few days I’ve had to remind myself, over and over again that, “There is no spoon.”

The only way to make it in life, or so it seems for me, is not to try and change things that refuse to do so… not to force outcomes that are not in the cards. To make life go a bit smoother, or at least, not so frustrating is to accept the fact that life isn’t perfect. So, I don’t try and bend, mold, transform the Big Picture of Life; but bend, mold, transform myself, thereby… hopefully, divert ever so slightly the possibilities of what I want or need, ending with the result of having it made real.

The past few days at work have been a test of sorts. I was placed in an almost no win situation. Packed with stress, my inner being wanted to give up, but no, I wouldn’t let that happen, so I let myself bend, mold, transform. This adaptation brought me a kind of peace to my weary soul. Lately, my life in general has been very stressful, but to add what I have to go through at work makes it unbearable…almost. There Is No Spoon.

My apologies if this seems a bit too incoherent. My mind is sometimes short circuiting, and I still haven’t found my “reset” button. I’ll have some time off soon and will make a more interesting post. I hope it’ll be more interesting.

Okay, “There is no spoon,” is from the movie, The Matrix. The part when Neo goes to see the Oracle, but first meets with a young boy who is well versed in Buddhism. Anyway, here’s a couple of pictures from the past few days; one of which, is a picture of me that I actually let someone take. Thanks Emily!

Some personal notes while listening to some music.

Trying to find "Peace" on the cooking line.